Workshop-Titel: Solution Focused Team Coaching for Resilience

Solution focused coaching is not about working hard to solve intricate problems for your clients or teams. It is all about helping the team to rediscover their own resiliency: their capacity to overcome the changes, difficulties or conflicts they are confronted with. A problem can be seen as an invitation to change the way in which a team is interacting. We believe that the resilience of teams can be stimulated by helping them to accept whatever happens, focus on what is wanted (instead of the problem), discovering what working well already and using the resources they have to take small steps towards what's better.
In this highly interactive workshop you will experience a lot of solution focused activities which build resilience. As you will experience the effects of solution focused team coaching, you are welcome to bring along any team problem (which you do not care to keep).
This session will be presented in English. All the exercises can be done in German.

Liselotte Baeijaert & Anton Stellamans, Resilienz: Ein Werkstattbuch zur Widerstandskraft, Solutions Academy, 2013.
This book is available through